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"'It is my privilege, says Jig, smiling in that ornery way of his, like his thoughts was too big for an ordinary gent to understand 'em. "'You stay an' dance an' welcome, says Quade, 'but if you won't dance, get out of here and go home where you belong. You're spoiling the party for us, keeping all the girls over here. "'Is that a threat? says Jig, smiling in that way of his. "'It sure is.

"Well, that was because you were such an ornery lot, always setting yourself up against the government wherever you went, and acting scandalous " "We did as the Lord directed us " "Oh, shucks!" "And then we thought the time had come to stand up for our rights; that the Lord meant us to be free and independent." "Secesh, eh?" Follett was amused.

He don't come much above Hamilton's knee. He's lookin' at me like a pup beggin' fur a bone. "'Go to it, you ornery little shrimp! I says at last. 'If a worse pair ever gets together I've never seed it! "Micky gives a yelp like a terrier. "'Take off this bit 'n' put a straight bar on him, he says. "'Why, you couldn't hold one of his ears with a bar bit, I says.

And he had a little small bull-pup, that to look at him you'd think he warn't worth a cent but to set around and look ornery and lay for a chance to steal something. But as soon as money was up on him he was a different dog; his under-jaw'd begin to stick out like the fo'-castle of a steamboat, and his teeth would uncover and shine like the furnaces.

I hear the rustlers have been after them. So get a move on." "What are rustlers?" asked Alice, who seldom let pass a chance to acquire information. "Cattle stealers, Miss. Ornery, mean men who trade on the rights of others. But we'll snub 'em if we get hold of 'em!" The branding of the big steer was quickly done and then the restraining ropes were cast off so that it might get up.

I don't know as it's any compliment to me, by gracious being told soon as I land that I'm expected to lie to a perfect stranger." "You come on down to the stable and take a look at his saddle and bridle," urged Cal. "And wait till you see him smoking and looking past you, as if you was an ornery little peak that didn't do nothing but obstruct the scenery.

"Again I ask you, will you tell me where the girl is?" "No! you must take me for an ornery mule, or some other kind of an animal, if you think I would deliver her into your clutches. No! no! my scheming knaves, I will not. Kill me if you like, but it will not accomplish your villainous ends.

It was 'bout four o'clock in the afternoon; none of us carried watches, we always reckoned time by the sun, and could generally guess mighty close, too. It was powerful hot, I remember. We'd hobbled our mules close to the ledge, where the grass was good, so they couldn't be stampeded, as we know'd we was in the Pawnee country, and they was the most ornery Ingins on the plains.

Casey laughed and shifted Babe to a more secure perch on his shoulder, and drew his head to one side in an effort to slacken Babe's terrific pull on his hair. "Him? Mean an' ornery as the meanest thing you can think of. Sour as a dough can you've went off an' left for a coupla weeks in July." "Oh, yes; very explicit, I admit. But just what did he look like?

Let's sit in togedder on dis nuggett'ing. It ain't like as if it was an ornery two-by-four deal. I wouldn't ask youse if it wasn't big enough fir de whole bunch of us. As I said nothing, he proceeded. 'It ain't square, Sam, to take advantage of your having education.