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He tries the cracks under the grooves in the moulding of the doors, the base board, between the matting and the wall, or under a rocker; in each place he puts it carefully, and pounds it in, then hops off, giving me one of the "sidelong glances wise Wherewith the jay hints tragedies," attempting to look unconcerned, as if he had not been doing anything.

They had heard us cooeying to one another; so only saw one man, and he tried to look very unconcerned, with a bamboo pipe, trying to light it, but too excited to succeed. The women had shut themselves indoors with the children, and the men had gone into the bush close by with their weapons. 6th.

Riggs, observing him closely, wondered whether he had interpreted the expression which all four were stolidly endeavoring to mask. But so cheerful was he and so apparently unconcerned with anything but their comfort, that Riggs decided a difficult moment had been safely passed. Later at the hotel he asked the others. "Knew," said Birch acidly, "of course he knew.

"Let them wait," grunted the wealthy nobleman. Then he relapsed into his customary unconcerned impassibility. Captain Spade's hypothesis was doubtless correct. The Falcon had as yet made no move towards the schooner, but would almost certainly do so as soon as the latter reached the inlet, and the Count would have to submit to a search of his vessel if he wished to reach the open sea.

"I did," he said, and added deliberately, "Just as you knew me." "Oh, well!" Claire tried to look unconcerned. "Men are always pretty much the same. Evening dress does not make the same difference to them." She knew a momentary fear lest he should believe she was fishing for a compliment, and give the ordinary banal reply; but he looked at her with a grave scrutiny, and asked quietly

What he thinks is his ideal of woman is usually a glorified image of the last girl he happened to admire. The man who has had a decided preference for blondes all his life, finally installs a brown-eyed deity at his hearthstone. If he has been fond of petite and coquettish damsels, he marries some Diana moulded on large lines and unconcerned as to mice.

Behind the hedges of well-kept gardens squatted the brown gardener, making trenches indifferently with a hoe or a toe, and under the municipal lamp-post lounged the bronze policeman a touch of Arab about mouth and lean nostril quite unconcerned with a ferocious row between two donkey-men. They were fighting across the body of a Nubian who had chosen to sleep in that place.

He entered the Sudan by Suakin on the Red Sea, and crossed the desert to Berber, reaching Khartum on November 1, 1868. He prolonged his stay for three years on the Bahr-el-Ghazel, solely absorbed in scientific studies, and, unlike his predecessors, he was unconcerned with reforms and attempts to suppress the slave-trade.

If to be a Christian is to imitate Christ, then the name has little application to those who see 'them that are drawn to death, and turn from them unconcerned and unconscious of responsibility. IV. The judgment of negligence. 'Doth not He render to every man according to his works? There is such a judgment both in the present and in the future for Christian men as for others.

You’re the rawest recruits, the worst landlubbers I’ve ever seen,” declared Cadet Midshipman Merriam, with severe dignity. “Rest, before you try it any further.” The smile had all but left Jack Benson’s lips, though he tried to keep it there. Hal Hastings made the most successful attempt at looking wholly unconcerned. Eph’s face was growing redder every minute.