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"Let’s get busy. Koa, load all bombs but one ten KT on the landing boat. Stake the rest of the equipment down. While you’re doing that, I’ll find the spots where we plant the charges. I’ll need two men now and more later." He went back to his instrument, putting the radiation problem out of his mind—a rather hard thing to do with the colorimeter glowing pink next to his shoulder.

But you’re going to her now, anyway? For that ‘compliments and farewell,’ ” said Ivan smiling. Alyosha was disconcerted. “I think I quite understand his exclamations just now, and part of what went before. Dmitri has asked you to go to her and say that hewell, in facttakes his leave of her?” “Brother, how will all this horror end between father and Dmitri?” exclaimed Alyosha.

Time you learned, then,” returned Eph Somers, “if you’re to stay aboard a submarine craft.” “Take this other man up with you,” again urged Truax. Eph Somers turned around to face him with a good deal of a glare. “What ails you, Truax? You heard the captain’s order. You’ll go with me.” “Don’t be too sure of that,” uttered Sam Truax, defiantly.

Jack, you’re nothing but a fifth wheel. You’re not needed; won’t be all day, and at night we anchor in some harbor down the coast. Go and rest, like a good fellow.” “Can’t rest, when I know I’m doing nothing,” Benson retorted, stubbornly. “Besides, this is the first time I’ve ever found myself moving along in regular formation with the United States Navy.

Presently he cried, “Le-loo, tha’ pesky lad ha’ been over wha’ you be after sompen and he took it back tha’ again afore he made his jump! If you’re any good you’ll find what the lad was after.”

Perhaps you will”—I felt rather than saw her smile. “But even if you don’t, you’re here, like my father. So I won’t be lonesome.” As I went back alone over that familiar road, I could almost believe that a boy and girl ran along beside me, as our shadows used to do, laughing and whispering to each other in the grass.

And, anyway, sir, you’re all stationed here, just now.” “Thank you. Then please take us ashore.” At this hour the walks through the grounds were nearly deserted. A few officers, and some of their ladies living at the naval station, were out. The cadets were all in their quarters in barracks, hard at study, or supposed to be.

“I wonder where my husband can be,” the lady whispered. “Ach, heed him not, fair lady,” replied the Baron. “Am I not instead of a hosband?” “I’m afraid you’re a very naughty man, Baron.” “Ven I am viz you,” the gallant Baron answered, “I forget myself all bot your charms.”

I wanted to see your room so I could write Tony all about it, but I must tell her how I left you right here with your books. She’s always so afraid some one will run off with you!” Lena slipped her silk sleeves into the jacket I held for her, smoothed it over her person, and buttoned it slowly. I walked with her to the door. “Come and see me sometimes when you’re lonesome.

This man says, sir,” continued the petty officer, “that he saw your friends, sir, going aboard a white knockabout sloop.” “He did, eh?” demanded the astonished Eph. “How long ago was that?” “Only a few minutes ago, sir,” replied the sailor. “You’re sure you saw Mr. Benson and Mr. Hastings?” “Yes, sir.”