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Ántonia pushed her away. “You’ll never get it out like that,” she said sharply. She gave my head a rough touzling and finished me off with something like a box on the ear. “Lena, you ought n’t to try to wear those slippers any more. They’re too small for your feet. You’d better give them to me for Yulka.”

Wha’s-ever-your-name’s a precautionary measure.” “That’s all right, Papa,” said Case. “But you’ll have to brace up. There’s going to be a marriageMr. Wiltshire here is going to get spliced.” The old man asked to whom. “To Uma,” said Case. “Uma!” cried the captain. “Wha’s he want Uma for? ’s he come here for his health, anyway? Wha’ ’n hell’s he want Uma for?”

Take the lever, Williamson,” directed Eph. “Come along lively, Truax.” “Humph! Let Williamson go,” grumbled Truax. “You come along with me, my man!” roared Eph, his face blazing angrily. “Hustle, too, or I’ll report you to the captain for disobedience of orders. Then you’ll go ashore at express speed. Coming?” Sam Truax appeared to wage a very brief battle within himself.

‘If you’ll step in here, sir,’ said the man, who had evidently noticed the action‘if you’ll step in here, sir, you won’t be detained five minutes, I assure you.’ The surgeon at once walked into the room. The man closed the door, and left him alone. It was a little cold room, with no other furniture than two deal chairs, and a table of the same material.

Another minute and you’d have been clinched, but now the tempest has blowed over, and for the rest of your life you’ll have nothing but sunshine." The overseer now approached to ask orders concerning a piece of work in which the negroes were employed. Mr. Middleton accompanied him to the field, while Dr. Lacey returned to the house in quest of Fanny.

"I ain’t sure that it won’t make her mad later," said Lucinda. "Say, but she is a Tartar since she came back. Seems some days’s if I couldn’t live." "You’ll live," said Joshua, and, as his hands were now well-warmed, he went out again. After a while Aunt Mary’s bell jangled violently and Lucinda had to hurry back.

‘What signifies!’ replied she, in some excitement. ‘You’ll want somebody to clean and wash, and cook, won’t you?

"Hush," said his love authoritatively, "it’s my confession. Leave it to me." "What is it?" said Aunt Mary, looking anxiously from one to the other; "you haven’t broke your engagement already, I hope." "No," said Mrs. Rosscott, "it’s nothing like that. It’s only rather a surprise. But it’s a nice surprise,—at least, I hope you’ll think that it is."

‘Then you sha’n’t, Rachel!’ cried I, embracing my faithful friend. ‘We’ll all go together, and you shall see how the new life suits you.’ ‘Bless you, honey!’ cried she, affectionately returning my embrace. ‘Only let us get shut of this wicked house, and we’ll do right enough, you’ll see.’ ‘So think I,’ was my answer; and so that point was settled.

At the same time, three sheets is the heaviest punishment, short of actual suspension, that we inflict. It seems hardly a penalty for heedless or misguided jocularity.” “I think perhaps I was hard on Collingwood,” admitted Irving. “If he comes to you about itmaybe you’ll feel disposed to modify the punishment. And possibly the same with Westby.”