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With the utmost deference, he awaits the commands of his master. "Well, Rondeau," said Dr. Lacey, "haven’t you finished breakfast yet?" "Yes, marster," answered Rondeau, with a very low bow. "I’ve got through a moment since. What can I do for you. Will you ride this morning?" "No," answered Dr.

"It seems so strange," said she, "that you should prefer me to any one else, me, who am so plain looking, so—" "So pure-minded and innocent," interrupted Dr. Lacey, "and so lovely, too, for to me you are very handsome. Not as beautiful, perhaps, as Mrs. Miller, for there are few who are, and yet I like your looks quite as well."

"Because," answered Fanny, "I either heard him or dreamed that I did." "And if he is here, could you bear to see him now?" "Oh, yes, yes," was the eager answer, and the next moment Dr. Lacey was by her side. Intuitively Kate left the room, consequently we have no means of knowing what occurred during that interview, when Dr.

If I lose the game, it shall not be from not striving for it." The game was hers, and only did not pay her for what she had given to secure it. Another deal proceeded, and Crawford began again about Thornton Lacey. "My plan may not be the best possible: I had not many minutes to form it in; but you must do a good deal.

I’d as soon she’d have him as anybody, and she’s worthy of him too, for if she can love such a hideous old clown as I am, she’ll stick to such a nice man as Dr. Lacey through thick and thin. But what do you say to goin’, Tempest?" Julia had at first thought that nothing could induce her to become a pupil of Mr. Miller, but his allusion to Dr. Lacey decided her otherwise.

But as he saw Edith's sincerity, and learned of her purpose to unite with the church, he kept these views more and more in the background; but he had too much respect for her and his mother's faith to go with them to what they regarded as a sacred place, from merely the personal motive of being near Edith. One day Mrs. Lacey and Edith walked down to the evening prayer- meeting.

When Lida afterward learned the truth, she expressed a wish that her tongue might have been cut out ere she had been the bearer of news which caused so much trouble. While Dr. Lacey was securely bolted in his room, nerving himself to bear this fresh disappointment and striving to drive each thought of Fanny from him, Julia too was alone and busily engaged.

It had made old man Granitch young again, people said; he worked twenty hours a day in his shirt-sleeves, and the increase in his profanity was appalling. Even Lacey Granitch, his dashing son, quitted the bright lights of Broadway and came home to help the old man keep his contracts.

"I am only too glad to see you. I never knew a city could be so big and heartless. I have felt like a leaf tossed about in a perpetual cold wind. When did you arrive?" "The day after you did." "What? And you you have been looking for him?" "That is what I came for partly. Yes, Lacey and I have combed the town." Madeleine sprang to her feet. "You've found him! I know it! Why don't you say so?"

It was a masculine-looking room with its solid mahogany furniture, and as his books were stored in the cellar of the Times Building she had shelves built to the ceiling on the west wall. Lacey obtained an order for the books without difficulty, and Madeleine disposed of several of her long evenings filling the shelves.