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"I can sune learn wha he is," said the enterprising Jenny, "if the sodgers were anes settled and at leisure, for I ken ane o' them very weel the best-looking and the youngest o' them." "I think you know all the idle young fellows about the country," answered her mistress. "Na, Miss Edith, I am no sae free o' my acquaintance as that," answered the fille-de-chambre.

What for dinna ye bide at hame, you an' the lave o' the douce anes?" "There ye come upo' the thing 'at 's troublin' me. Are we 'at begude it to brak it up? Or are we to stan' aside an' lat it a' gang to dirt an' green bree? Or are we to bide wi' them, an warsle aboot holy words till we tyne a' stamach for holy things?" "Cud ye brak it up gien ye tried?" asked Malcolm. "I doobt no.

I can pet up wi' the melodian or the concertina; but yon triangle thing I wudna hae i' the hoose. You can tell Bandy Wobster he can keep his triangles for his parrots swingin' on. We want neen o' them here." "Tut, Bawbie, 'oman," says Sandy, "you're juist haiverin' straucht forrit. It's no' flute band triangles I mean ava. It's the anes you see in books a' shapes an' sizes, ye know.

Ah'm a bachelor, ah am, an' there's non' to interfere wi' me, and ivvery nicht she's tied to my ain bed-post. Man, it's music to my ear to hear her champin' her corn a' the nicht. Na, na! Ah trust her in no stable; an' ah'd like to see the thief could steal her awa' oot o' my room withoot wakenin' me." "Well, maybe ye're right," said Dicky. "But mind, there's some cunnin' anes aboot.

Then I passed through the vegetable-market, where some women had already assembled. From there, crossing the place Misere, I went as far as the mill of Landrole by the Pont aux Anes, where I watched the ducks for five or six minutes, and the miller's men must have noticed me. I saw the women going to wash; they are probably still there.

As we neared the tiny fishing-village on the sands we met a fishwife brave in her short skirt and eight petticoats, the basket with its two hundred pound weight on her head, and the auld wife herself knitting placidly as she walked along. They look superbly strong, these women; but, to be sure, the 'weak anes dee, as one of them told me. There was an air of bustle about the little quay,

Which done, let him returne this writing vnto the said Anthonie Anes Pinteado for his warrant. I Diego Henriques haue written this in Almarin the two and twentie day of September, in the yeere of our Lord 1551. And this beneuolence the king gaue vnto Anthonie Anes Pinteado, the fiue and twentie day of Iuly this present yeere. Rey. The Secretaries declaration written vnder the kings grant.

Besides," he argued more logically, "wha ever heard of a shadow that cam between a body and the sun? and this thing, be it what it will, is thinner and taller than the body himsell, and has been seen to come between him and the sun mair than anes or twice either."

"No, Monsieur, except that in an hour Innocentina starts to walk on to Les Echelles with her ânes." "She is energetic." "The girl knows not what is the fatigue. Besides, each day less on the road means so many more francs added to the dot." "Innocentina seems very keen upon increasing that dot. Has she anyone in view to share it with her?" "She has not confided that to me, Monsieur."

Only if ye could compass a harmonious call frae the parish of Skreegh-me-dead, as ye anes had hope of, I trow it wad please him weel; since I hae heard him say, that the root of the matter was mair deeply hafted in that wild muirland parish than in the Canongate of Edinburgh. I wish I had whaten books ye wanted, Mr.