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The very footmen sometimes grinned too broadly, the maidservants giggled mayhap too loud, and a provoking air of intelligence seemed to pervade the whole family. Alice Bean, the pretty maid of the cavern, who, after her father's misfortune, as she called it, had attended Rose as fille-de-chambre, smiled and smirked with the best of them.

"What is the matter?" said Edith, anxiously; "does it prove to be Cuddie, after all, poor fellow?" "Cuddie, Miss Edith? Na! na! it's nae Cuddie," blubbered out the faithful fille-de-chambre, sensible of the pain which her news were about to inflict on her young mistress. "O dear, Miss Edith, it's young Milnwood himsell!"

Comparative Estimate of French and English Country Inns Tremendous Hail Storm Country Masquerade La Charité Beauty and Luxuriance of its Environs Nevers Fille-de-Chambre Lovely Country between Nevers and Moulins Treading Corn Moulins Price of Provisions. WE were two more days on our journey to La Charité: the scenery continued the same, except that the surface became more level.

A fille-de-chambre is on a perfect footing of equality with a marshal of France, and will address, and converse with him as such. They enter your room without knocking, stay as long as they like, and will remain whilst you are undressing. If you exhibit any modest unwillingness, they laugh at you, and perhaps two or three of them will come in to rally Monsieur.

Would not the owl have shrieked and the cricket cried in my very title-page? and could it have been possible for me, with a moderate attention to decorum, to introduce any scene more lively than might be produced by the jocularity of a clownish but faithful valet, or the garrulous narrative of the heroine's fille-de-chambre, when rehearsing the stories of blood and horror which she had heard in the servants' hall?

Jenny tried cold water, burnt feathers, cutting of laces, and all other remedies usual in hysterical cases, but without any immediate effect. "God forgie me! what hae I done?" said the repentant fille-de-chambre. "I wish my tongue had been cuttit out! Wha wad hae thought o' her taking on that way, and a' for a young lad?

They enter your chamber at all times with equal freedom; and if there happen to be two or more filles-de-chambre, they will very coolly seat themselves and converse together. There is indeed but one invariable rule in France, and that is, that a fille-de-chambre is company for an emperor.

"What is the matter?" said Edith, anxiously; "does it prove to be Cuddie, after all, poor fellow?" "Cuddie, Miss Edith? Na! na! it's nae Cuddie," blubbered out the faithful fille-de-chambre, sensible of the pain which her news were about to inflict on her young mistress. "O dear, Miss Edith, it's young Milnwood himsell!"

Would not the owl have shrieked and the cricket cried in my very title-page? and could it have been possible for me, with a moderate attention to decorum, to introduce any scene more lively than might be produced by the jocularity of a clownish but faithful valet, or the garrulous narrative of the heroine's fille-de-chambre, when rehearsing the stories of blood and horror which she had heard in the servants' hall?

"I can sune learn wha he is," said the enterprising Jenny, "if the sodgers were anes settled and at leisure, for I ken ane o' them very weel the best-looking and the youngest o' them." "I think you know all the idle young fellows about the country," answered her mistress. "Na, Miss Edith, I am no sae free o' my acquaintance as that," answered the fille-de-chambre.