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He sent to order Donald Bean to attend him; but that cautious freebooter, who well understood the value of a separate command, instead of joining, sent various apologies which the pressure of the times compelled Fergus to admit as current, though not without the internal resolution of being revenged on him for his procrastination, time and place convenient.

"I'm goin' to count thet money again," said the old countryman, and did so, to make certain that it was all there. "We were lucky to spot the rascal, Mr. Bean." "I didn't spot him it was you. I'm much obliged to ye." "Oh, that's all right." "Seems to me you are entitled to a reward, Joe," went on the old farmer. "I don't want any reward." "But you're a-goin' to take it.

"'S got to stop right now," declared Bean, rising. "Wipe that egg off your face, and let's get out of here." "London," she suggested brightly. "Granny has always " "No London!" he broke in, visibly returning to the Corsican or upstart manner. "And no Grandma, no Pops, no Moms! You and me us understand what I mean?

He saw Captain Anerley trudging up the hill, with a pipe in his mouth, to the bean field, where three or four men were enjoying the air, without any of the greedy gulps produced by too great exertion of the muscles; then he saw the mistress of the house throw wide a lattice, and shake out a cloth for the birds, who skipped down from the thatch by the dozen instantly; and then he saw Mary, with a basket and a wooden measure, going round the corner of the house, and clucking for the fowls to rally from their scratching-places.

The playful bean seemed also to please him; and he said he had never seen such impressive corn and potatoes at this time of year; that it was to him an unexpected pleasure, and one of the choicest memories that he should take away with him of his visit to New England.

Four thousand, of course, would help still farther and five thousand" he had seen the shadow of dismay creep over the face of his sitter "five thousand, I think, might put the thing through." Bean drew a long breath.

In hot weather it is too heating and stimulating, acting powerfully upon the liver, and, by producing over-activity of that organ, bringing about a general disturbance. So many adulterations are found in ground coffee, that it is safest for the real coffee-lover to buy the bean whole.

It's yours too quick." "` But the Mexicans don't see it that a-way. It's my turn an' my draw, an' Jim has to take what's left. So the Mexicans tells Tate to send me after my bean ag'in. "`"Hold on a second, Sam," says Jim, an' by this time he's steady as a church. "Sam," he goes on, "thar's no use you all gettin' the short end of this. Thar's reasons for you livin', which my case is void tharof.

If faith alone could uphold one, Bean would have walked upon the face of the waters that day. But the result was a bald experience of the sensations of the drowning, and a lasting fear of any considerable body of water. Ever after it was an adventure not to be lightly dared to cross even the stoutest bridge. And flying!

Certain things were expected of a man! "Be here at four-thirty," he directed. And Paul, his fellow, glancing up along the twenty-two stories of the office building, was impressed. He considered it probable that the bored young man owned this building. "The guys that have gits!" thought Paul. Bean was preposterously working once more, playing the part of a cog on the wheel.