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Hugh gave in at once seized the hand, and not only shook it, but kissed it heartily. So did Malines, and so did the others, and then they all dispersed Teddy Malone signalling his exit with a cheer and a shout to the following effect "Hooroo! boys she's ivvery inch a quane, an' two or three eighths over cut an' dry, ready-made, hot off the irons! We're in luck eh! boys, aren't we?"

You trusted the wrong people, then. Tho. It taks no mak o' a warlock to tell mo that, maister. It's smo' comfort, noather. War. Well now, you give me a turn, and hear what I've got to say. Tho. Yo're o' tarred wi' th' same stick. Ivvery body maks gam ov th' poor owd mon! Let me goo, maister. Aw want mo chylt, mo Mattie! War. You must wait till Mr. Gervaise's man comes back. Tho.

Look thar!" she pointed tragically toward a wreck of humanity that reeled into the alley just then. "Would yez loike to be loike that? My mon come home loike that ivvery day of his loife, rist his bones, an' he nivver knowed whin he died." Maudlin tears rolled down the poor creature's cheeks, for they could be no tears of affection. Her man's departure from this life could have been but a relief.

Ivvery body seems to mane something, and nobory to say it. Bill. Never you mind, daddy! "Bill's been. All right." That's your ticket. I'm off. Exit. THOMAS gets up, and walks about, murmuring to himself. A knock at the door. Tho. Somebory after mo again! Aw'll geet eawt ov th' way. Enter WATERFIELD. Wat. Nobody here! I am unlucky. "Not at home," said the rascal, and grinned, by Jove!

"I'm sorry for yez," returned Malone, "for I'm afeared we'll have to skrag the wan half of ye to keep the other half in order. In a spik an' span noo settlement, where ivvery wan thinks he may do as he likes, the laws has to be pritty stiff. We've wan comfort, howivver the quane is marciful." The Irishman was right in both his views on this subject, as the sequel will show.

"Faith, if I had ye in the ould counthry," answered back Mick, not for a moment nonplussed, "I'd soon show ye how an Oitalian of the raal sort, loike me fayther, sor, lives! Bedad, it's praties an' crame we hev fur tay, sure, ivvery day in the wake!"

I'd git the lawyers after 'em, an' I'd make 'em trouble. They wanta look out I'd spend ivvery cent I make on lawyers an' courts if they took and hung me fer a spy. I'd lawsue 'em!" Murphy laughed. "A-ah, would ye, now!" he cried admiringly. "My gorry, it takes a brain like yours t' think av things. Now, av they hung me, I'd be likes to let 'er sthand thot way.

Ah'm a bachelor, ah am, an' there's non' to interfere wi' me, and ivvery nicht she's tied to my ain bed-post. Man, it's music to my ear to hear her champin' her corn a' the nicht. Na, na! Ah trust her in no stable; an' ah'd like to see the thief could steal her awa' oot o' my room withoot wakenin' me." "Well, maybe ye're right," said Dicky. "But mind, there's some cunnin' anes aboot.

An' aw'm glad yo're theer, sir; for William he towd mo to stay till he coom back; but aw've not geet so mich time to spare; and so be's yo're a friend ov th' maister's, yo'll mebbe mind th' shop a smo' bit. War. I say, old man your name's Thomas Pearson ain't it? Tho. Yigh. Aw yer. But hea cooms to to knaw mo name? War. I know all about you. Tho. Ivvery body knaws ivvery body yere!

An' ivvery man, woman, and choild lookin' afther him in his bit of a black velvet skirt made out of the misthress's ould gownd; an' his little head up, an' his curly hair flyin' an' shinin'. It's loike a young lord he looks." Cedric did not know that he looked like a young lord; he did not know what a lord was.