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"I agraas wid ye, but s'pose it is a fire that yer fayther has started himsilf." Warren shook his head. "He would not do so imprudent a thing as that." "But he moight have in his eye that we'd be looking for something of the same." Still his friend was unconvinced.

Then he plunged at once into the story, which he had determined to tell her. "I had a quarrel with my father and I left home. He does not know where I am." "You hae done very wrang I'm fearing, sir. He'll hae been a gude fayther to you?" "Yes, very good. He has given me love, education, travel, leisure, wealth, my own way, in all things but one." "Then, you be to call yoursel' a bad son.

"Why, mother," said the boy, with trembling voice, "fayther gave me a shilling to get change just as we was leaving the pit-bank, and I dropped it somewhere as I were coming down the lane. I'm almost sure Ben Taylor's lad found it, and picked it up; but when I axed him if he hadn't got it, he said `No, and told me he'd knock my head against the wall if I didn't hold my noise.

"But Father Maloney said he'd be persecuted for bigummy if he did it, an' he'd have fur to do it himsilf; an' so, bad cess to it, fayther stuck the ind of his dhudeen in the ink-bottle, I'll take me oath, sor, an' soigned his name thare, sor, jist whare ye say it, wid his own hand, as Oi'm a livin' sinner!" "Well, well, Donovan, that's enough.

And what of his poor wife and daughter? Johnson had not left his home many minutes when Betty came in. "Where's Sammul?" she asked, not noticing her mother's agitation; "and where's fayther? We're like to have weary work in our house just now, I reckon." "Betty!" was all that her mother could say, but in such a voice that her daughter started round and cried,

I bade her farewell at the end of Windmill Wood, and was sitting on the trunk of a tree when Meg Hawkes, a girl to whom I had once been kind, passed by. "Don't ye speak, nor look; fayther spies us," she said quickly. "Don't ye be alone wi' Master Dudley nowhere, for the world's sake!"

Their stern Calvinism taught them that Jacob's and Jesse's families were not likely to be the only ones in which the younger sons should be chosen for vessels of honor; and Will Promoter, the eldest of the brothers, spoke for all, when he said, "Send Davie to Aberdeen, fayther; gladly we will a' of us help wi' the fees; and may be we shall live to see a great minister come oot o' the fishing boats."

Oh, I canna get doon." I leaned out of the window and shouted encouragingly, "Dinna greet, Davie, dinna greet, I'll help ye doon. If you greet, fayther will hear, and gee us baith an awfu' skelping."

Mick, who, you must know, had grown a strapping fellow by now, took the tawny-complexioned gentleman's demand very good-humouredly. "All roight, ould Patchwork," he called out, with a laugh. "Thare's a shellin' fur ye, which is more, bedad, than yer howl sthock-in-thrade is worth! Changee fur changee, black dog fur whoite moonkey, sure, as my ould fayther used fur to say!"

"O God, be merciful to me a sinner, for Jesus Christ's sake," there was a pause; then, after a while, he added, "I think as he'll hear me, Betty." "I am sure he will," she answered; "but you must lie still, fayther, or maybe you'll do yourself harm. The doctor'll be here just now."