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He's nane o' yer saft buirds, that ye can sleek wi' a sweyp o' yer airm; he's a blue whunstane that's hard to dress, but, anes dressed, it bides the weather bonnie. I like to work upo' hard stane mysel. Nane o' yer saft freestane, 'at ye cud cut wi' a k-nife, for me!" "Weel, I daursay ye're richt, Thamas."

After managin' to withstand the women o' foreign lands for a' thae years, he gaed fair skeer aboot this stocky at Tilliedrum. She's juist seventeen years auld, an' the auld fule sits wi' his airm round her in Eppie's hoose, though they've been mairit this fortnicht." "The doited fule," said Jess.

"Wad ye no tak my airm, mem?" he said at length, summoning courage. "I jist fin' mysel' like a horse wi' a reyn brocken, gaein' by mysel' throu' the air this gait." Before he had finished the sentence Ginevra had accepted the offer. It was the first time. His arm trembled. He thought it was her hand. "Ye're no cauld, are ye, mem?" he said. "Not the least," she answered.

Ho thy way, my bonnie bairn, Ho thy way, upon my airm, Ho thy way, thou still may learn To say Dada sae bonnie. It was very clear that Sal was proud of her performance; and she had a good right to be, for she had caught the guttural accent to perfection.

'Did she no like yer treat? 'I'll warrant she did! 'What did ye buy her wi' the twa bob? Willie sniffed at his recollections. 'Like a goat, said he, 'I askit her what she wud like best for twa bob, me thinkin' naterally she wud say a feed to stairt wi'. I was ready for a feed masel'. But she squeezed ma airm an' shoved her big face intil mines, an' said she wud like a sooveneer best.

An' this hoose and yaird was ance my father's, and sae he had that door throu, they tell me. An' I thocht gin it suld be open, it wad be a fine thing for me, to haud fowk ohn seen me. But it was verra ill-bred to you, mem, I ken, to come throu your yaird ohn speirt leave. I beg yer pardon, mem, an' I'll jist gang back, and roon' by the ro'd. This is my fiddle I hae aneath my airm.

"I can gi'e ye fowerpence o' coppers, if that's ony use to ye," said Stumpie Mertin, shuvin' his airm up to the elba in his breeks pooch. There was a burst o' lauchin' at this, an' Sandy says, pointin' wi' his thoom ower his shuder, "Less noise, you lads, for fear her nabs hears us." He little thocht that her nabs that was me, of coorse was at the winda hearin' every wird.

Maybe, gin ye war comin' oor gait, the morn, or the neist day, to see Maister Ericson, ye wad tie up my airm, for it gangs wallopin' aboot, an' that canna be guid for the stickin' o' 't thegither again. 'My poor boy! you don't think I'm going to leave you here, do you? said the doctor, proceeding to open the carriage-door. 'But whaur's the hamper? said Shargar, looking about him in dismay.

The murderer's bluid be upo' his ain heid. "It was strange that sae gentle a woman should be sae set upo' bluid an' revenge, but this was lang syne, when folks didna ken o' the justice o' God, as we dae noo. "Lord Malcolm set oot. He rode mony miles until he saw the black horse at last, an' a man ridin' on it wi' a sprig o' green i' his helmet an' a scarlet ribbon upo' his airm.

"You'ill no catch me tramping oot at the tail o' Byles and a litter o' Dowbiggins!" and Jock was very emphatic. "Dod, it'ill just be like a procession o' MacMuldrow's lassies, two and two, and maybe airm in airm!"