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The words wind and word are the same, the former being derived from the latter through wird. A cyclone is an effort hampered by civilization of what the world was originally. Life began as a spiral movement of air. Wind as the origin of life could be duplicated by mechanical methods or eunuchry. The sun he claimed was an accident.

"Wer mir wird den Konig in Preussen verachten, Den will ich wie diesen Ochsen schlacten." "Who dares me the King of Prussia insult, Him I will serve like this fat head of nolt." Signed "DAVID SCHULER, A BRANDENBURGER." And then,

When the votes o' thanks were gien oot, Sandy riffed an' rattled oot o' a' measure. I thocht ance or twice he wud be up to the pletform to say a wird or twa himsel', he was that excited. Syne when "Auld Lang Syne" was mentioned, he sprang till his feet, evened his gravat, pulled doon his weyscot, put a' the buttons intil his coat, an' swallowed a spittal. An' hoo he tootit an' sang!

The inspired Swabian, wandering in the pine- forest, listens to the blackbird's voice till it becomes his own voice; and he breaks out, with the very carol of the blackbird 'Vogele im Tannenwald pfeifet so hell. Pfeifet de Wald aus und ein, wo wird mein Schatze sein? Vogele im Tannenwald pfeitet so hell. And he has nothing more to say.

He's been stickin' in like a hatter ever sin' syne, an' has a'thing as neat's ninepence; so I canna say a single wird. But is't no raley something terriple? Spring holiday! Wheesht! I'll no' forget it in a hurry, I can tell you. But I never saw't different.

Having said this, the hermit conducted the wanderer to a chamber, and left him to his repose. The beautiful Wird al Ikmaum during this time remained overwhelmed with uneasiness in her confinement, and it was in vain that her attendants tried to amuse her.

Presently the Amazonian attack was renewed. "We shall go onboard," said they. "Very well," said he; "but have patience, have patience!" "No, no. Wann wird man sich einschiffen mussen?" By this time we were in the heart of the village, and surrounded with a whole lot, forty at the least, of Blankanese boatinen.

She flushed and fumbled thought of dressing-tables and the little objects of which she had made so many hanging to the mirror by ribbons; "toilet-tidies" haunted her but that was not it she smoothed out her work as if to show it to Fraulein "Na, na," came the delicate caustic voice. "Was wird das wohl sein?" Then she remembered. "It's for a pin-cushion," she said.

When he refused to see the story in the little German bakery sign I began to argue. "But man alive, this is America! I think I know a story when I see it. Suppose you were traveling in Germany, and should come across a sign over a shop, saying: 'Hier wird Deutsch gesprochen. Wouldn't you think you were dreaming?" Norberg waved an explanatory hand. "This isn't America. This is Milwaukee.

Surely she need, not venture on German with Fraulein yet. "Ein Nadelkissen," corrected Fraulein, "das wird niedlich aussehen," she remarked quietly, and then in English, "You like music, Miss Henderson?" "Oh, yes," said Miriam, with a pounce in her voice. "You play the piano?" "A little." "You must keep up your practice then, while you are with us you must have time for practice."