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But Dave detained her. "Minna!" She stopped and turned back to him. "You will?" "Sprechen sie Deutsch, Minna?" "Ja yes why not? I should think I do. I always could. Why couldn't I?" She went on her mission, grumbling pettishly. Why shouldn't she speak her own language? What did the man think? He must be a joker! "Mamma!" Herman called again. "Git also the young one some that apfel kuchen.

Perceiving at length one whose better dress and more intelligent look bespoke a rank above the common, I made the effort with such "platt deutsch," as I could muster, to ask if there were any house near, where I could remain till the postillion's return? and learned greatly to my gratification, that by taking the path which led through a grove of pine trees near me, I should find a chateau; but who was the proprietor he knew not; indeed the people were only newly come, and he believed were foreigners.

He had been studying them for two months. Emanuel Deutsch, one of the great authorities on cuneiform inscriptions, gives us the following information as regards them: The writing itself resembles a wedge, and it has been proved that it was used by the ancient peoples of Babylonia, Assyria, Armenia, and Persia, as well as by other nations. It was inscribed on stone, iron, bronze, glass, or clay.

There are still the remains of towers here and there, which give to it, when first beheld, its civic character; and it was, I believe, made use of, so recently as 1683, as a line of defence against the Turks. Moreover Deutsch Altenburg has its objects of interest also; a tumulus, or mound, sixty feet in altitude, but of a date to which tradition goes not back; while the church of St.

Munt, and tap surreptitiously when the tunes come of course, not so as to disturb the others or like Helen, who can see heroes and shipwrecks in the music's flood; or like Margaret, who can only see the music; or like Tibby, who is profoundly versed in counterpoint, and holds the full score open on his knee; or like their cousin, Fraulein Mosebach, who remembers all the time that Beethoven is echt Deutsch; or like Fraulein Mosebach's young man, who can remember nothing but Fraulein Mosebach: in any case, the passion of your life becomes more vivid, and you are bound to admit that such a noise is cheap at two shillings.

But I had an idea, Hannah, that you were one of the people who could manage pretty well to be happy with things as they came." Hannah flushed and buried her face on Miss Lyndesay's shoulder. Frieda looked restless. "Bitte, sprechen Sie mal Deutsch," she said suddenly. "Es tut mir furchtbar weh, immer Englisch zu hören!" Quick as a flash Hannah's head came up, and she laughed a delicious laugh.

With but three minutes left and some distance to go, the great dirigible balloon got up speed and rushed for the goal. At eleven and a half minutes past three, twenty-nine minutes and thirty-one seconds after starting, Santos-Dumont crossed the line, the winner of the Deutsch Prize. And so the young Brazilian accomplished that which had been declared impossible.

"E ella Italiana?" Again she shook her head. "Sind sie Deutsch?" Another shake of the head, and then she said: "Yo soy Inglesa." The priest gave a long whistle. "English!" he cried; "English! Then in future please be kind enough to speak English, for your Spanish is well, declined, with thanks."

Spencer proposed to fly from the Crystal Palace round the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral and back to his starting-place. This was a much longer journey than that made by Santos-Dumont when he won the Deutsch prize.

There began to meet us, a little way in advance of Deutsch Altenburg, troops of those Torpindas, whom, in the ignorance of our hearts, we had, in Bohemia, mistaken for gipseys.