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A civic crown among the Romans, was made of oaken leaves, and given to those who had saved the life of a citizen. A mural crown was an honorary reward, given by the ancient Romans to the soldiers who first scaled the walls of an enemy's city. "These military toys," said he, "are the only rewards I have hitherto received. No lands, no share of the conquered countries.

Bastia and Ajaccio struggled hard for the honour of being the official capital. Paoli favoured the claims of Bastia, thereby annoying the champions of Ajaccio, among whom the Buonapartes were prominent. The schism was widened by the dictatorial tone of Paoli, a demeanour which ill became the chief of a civic force.

Paris has more than once tasted the bitterness of humiliation; Norseman and Briton, Russian and German have bruised her fair body; the dire distress of civic strife has exhausted her strength, but she has always emerged from her trials with marvellous recuperation, more flourishing than before.

It cuts into the deepest of the heart to see such noble and devoted fellows going to be again wantonly slaughtered by the combined military and civic inefficiency of McClellan-Lincoln-Seward, and, above all, by their utter heartlessness.

Lucius Sulla was ungrateful, for he saved his country by using remedies worse than the perils with which it was threatened, when he marched through human blood all the way from the citadel of Praeneste to the Colline Gate, fought more battles and caused more slaughter afterwards within the city, and most cruelly after the victory was won, most wickedly after quarter had been promised them, drove two legions into a corner and put them to the sword, and, great gods! invented a proscription by which he who slew a Roman citizen received indemnity, a sum of money, everything but a civic crown!

The next few days were busy days for Hezekiah. Filled with receptions, civic committees, and the preparation of the brief, in which Hezekiah's native intelligence excited the admiration of the lawyers. Newspaper men sought for interviews. Business promoters called upon Hezekiah.

They stand each on a pillar, and seem to be about fifteen feet high, and look like enormous playthings for the children of giants; and it is strange to see them in this solemn old hall, among the memorials of dead heroes and statesmen. There is an annual banquet in the Guildhall, given by the Lord Mayor and sheriffs, and I believe it is the very acme of civic feasting.

Roosevelt has been credited with being the author of "a revival of the sense of civic virtue" in the American people.

They are emblematic of poetry and art, which, in civic life so severe, but still useful and not without its fruit play the same part as flowers in the corn. There are some really beautifully landscapes in the world, but the human figures in them are poor, and you had not better look at them.

Those of them who remembered the happy, joyous girl with her merry eyes and ringing laugh were ready to give her a hearty welcome; they felt complimented that the distinguished lady fifteen years' residence abroad and a rich husband had gained her this position should be willing to exchange the great Paris for the simple life of Warehold. It touched their civic pride.