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The flame of his genius in other parts, though somewhat dimmed by time, is not totally eclipsed; his address and judgment yet appear, though much of the spirit and vigour of his sentiment is lost: this has happened in the twentieth Ode of the first book: Vile potabis modicis Sabinum Cantharis, Graeca quod ego ipse testa Conditum levi, datus in theatro Cum tibi plausus, Care Moecenas eques: ut paterni Fluminis ripae, simul et jocosa Redderet laudes tibi Vaticani Montis imago.

Tingitana provincia, quam nunc duo regna Fez et Morocco occupant, ab urbe Tingi, quae nunc vulgo Tanger, cognomen accepit, ante Bogudiana dicta a Rege Bogud. Opida in ea, Tingi modo dictum, caput provinciae, ab Anteeo conditum; Iulia Constantia, Zilis, Volubilia et Lixus, vel fabulosissime ab antiquis narrata. Ibi quidpe regia Antaei, certamenque cum Hercule, et Hesperidum horti.

The vault has since been changed and the last resting-place of the remains of the Raphael of the North is a lowly mound, reverently approached by all who visit the quaint imperial city, upon which is a slab, covered with a bronze tablet upon which are the words: Quicquid Alberti Dureri Mortale Fuit Sub Hoc Conditum Tumulo. Emigravit VIII Idus Aprilis, MDXXVIIL