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Alas, twenty pipes of Barmudas a day, six flagons of March beere, a quart of Sack in a weeke, for he scornes meate; and the kitching wench to bring the shirt to him and the only band, for Cuffs he gets none but such as his drunkennes procures him with quarrelling. Un. No, I shall be bashfull to learne of a stranger, thou sha't goe seeke out Captaine Sackburye. Tho.

'tis fitt for groomes, not men magnanimous, to be so bashfull: speake boldly to them, that like cannon shott your breath may batter; you would hardly dare to take in townes and expugne fortresses, that cannot demolish a paltry woman. Crac. Pox of this Country, it has metamorphisd me.

Nearly all of these were twenty or twenty-one years old. The men included Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Burke, Fox, Milton, Spencer, Hume and Sheridan; the women Spring, Summer, July, Bashfull, Virtue, Frolic, Gamesome, Lady, Madame, Dutchess, Mirtle and Cowslip. Seventeen of this distinguished company died within the year.

Indeed it is the high way in which some Deliver up their purses. He may clime To scarlet, but that he has too good a face. De. Sir, I hope Ri. Troth, do not, Sir, I meane, trouble yourselfe: He is too bashfull to prevaile upon Your spirited mistres! Enter Mr. Engine. En. Sir Richard. Ri. More customers? Mr. Engine, welcome; Your presence was unexpected in the Countrey. En.

And it seems that such proportion is betweene their mindes; Philoclea so bashfull, as though her excellencies had stolne into her before she was aware, so humble, that she will put all pride out of countenance; in summe, such proceeding as will stirre hope, but teach hope good maners.