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Its Cree name is passee-awey-meenan, and it is known to occur as far north as Great Slave Lake. Thuya occidentalis. Prunus Virginiana. Prunus Pensylvanica. The most esteemed fruit of the country, however, is the produce of the aronia ovalis.

The wild ginger with its two large leaves and its queer little blossoms close to the ground is another delight to the saunterer along the rocky slopes, where the feathery shad-bush the aronia of Whittier with its wealth of snowy blossoms and the wild plum not far away, with its masses of pure white, are inspirations to clean and sweet lives, calling to mind the lines of Wordsworth: One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good Than all the sages can.

Its Cree name is passeeaweymeenan, and it is known to occur as far north as Great Slave Lake. The most esteemed fruit of the country however is the produce of the Aronia ovalis. Under the name of meesasscootoomena it is a favourite dish at most of the Indian feasts and, mixed with pemmican, it renders that greasy food actually palatable.

The flowers are showy and the fruit large and of a pleasing red colour. Aronia Thorn. South Europe, 1810. This tree attains to a height of 20 feet, has deeply lobed leaves that are wedge-shaped at the base, and slightly pubescent on the under sides. The flowers, which usually are at their best in June, are white and showy, and succeeded by large yellow fruit.

The pretty Amelanchier Canadensis of Gray the Aronia of Whittler's song is called Shad-bush or Shad-blow in Essex County, from its connection with this season; and there is a bird known as the Shad-spirit, which I take to be identical with the flicker or golden-winged woodpecker, whose note is still held to indicate the first day when the fish ascend the river.

Even the botanists have given them a great variety of names, as pyrus, mespilus, aronia, crataegus, and amelanchier. No matter which may be the best name, it is enough to know that these little berries are delicious to eat when fresh, and when dried, after the manner of currants, are excellent to mix in puddings, as well as in pemmican.

Generally the Aronia Thorn forms a rather upright and branchy specimen of neat proportions, and when studded with its milk-white flowers may be included amongst the most distinct and ornamental of the family. C. COCCINEA. Scarlet-fruited Thorn. North America, 1683.