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"To show off," sez I, coldly, "and to make other folks show off who have a hankerin' after fashion and display." He did not frame a reply to me he had no frame. I told Josiah this mornin' I wanted to go to the place where they had flowers, and plants, and roses, and things I felt that duty wuz a-drawin' me.

And he sez, "Dum it all, I don't know as it would make 'em any happier to have two old folks die on their hands; and I feel, Samantha, that the end is a-drawin' near," sez he. He did look real bad.

When we arrove at the big depot at Chicago, the sun wuz jest a-drawin' up his curtains of gorgeous red, and yeller, and crimson, and wuz a-retirin' behind 'em to git a little needed rest.

But then to be exactly jest, and not a mite underhanded, I ort mebby to say, that her groan may be caused partly by the fact that that aniversery of hern wuz a-drawin' so near. Yes, the very next day wuz the day jest 20 years ago that Samuel Danker went away from Submit Tewksbury to heathen lands.

But this hyeh Pitchstone hole, if Willomene had went down into that well, I'll tell yu', that you may judge. "She seen the trail a-drawin' nearer and nearer the aidge, between the timber and the jumpin'-off place, and she seen how them little loose stones and the crumble stuff would slide and slide away under the hawss's feet.