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Besides, I want you all to have a pleasant recollection of the Virgin Islands. We who live here love them very much." The boys and Tony echoed Zircon's thanks, then fell to a study of the chart. It was apparent that the water deepened rapidly beyond the western reef. In a few places, the twenty-fathom line was only a short distance out. "Have you any idea where this ship went down?" Dr.

"Trouble is, that's our only communication. I could contact the St. Thomas airport and request that they pass a message, but that would be like broadcasting it to the world. Steve might not like it." Zircon's deep voice cut into his comment. "Look! Our friends are apparently going to do some night work." There were lights on the frogmen's boat, and it was putting out.

Then he saw what Zircon had seen, a glow in the water ahead and above them. Rick estimated quickly the distance they had traveled. There was no doubt of it. The frogmen were at the octopus cave! He followed Zircon's lead, cutting the light off and on as necessary, as the big scientist moved ahead.

Arrangements for a beach house had been made for them by a friend of Zircon's, and not until they landed at Charlotte Amalie would they get the details. The same friend, Dr. Paul Ernst, had also arranged for a boat, to be used as a diving tender. Rick was tempted to land in the smooth water off the western shore. The Sky Wagon had been equipped with pontoons for that very purpose.

He hoped that the darkness and breaking surf above were concealing their bubbles. Finally Zircon halted. Rick unsnapped the line that held him to the scientist, squeezed Zircon's shoulder, and swam away from the reef toward the open water. He kept his head turned so he could keep the light in his field of vision.