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Instead of new articles in the shop-windows those that had been rejected in the foregoing summer were brought out again; superseded reap-hooks, badly-shaped rakes, shop-worn leggings, and time-stiffened water-tights reappeared, furbished up as near to new as possible. Henchard, backed by Jopp, read a disastrous garnering, and resolved to base his strategy against Farfrae upon that reading.

The pale beams of the waning moon still cast a shadow of the cottage, when the labourer rises from his heavy sleep on a winter's morning. Often he huddles on his things and slips his feet into his thick 'water-tights' which are stiff and hard, having been wet over night by no other light than this.

We have seen Donald Macdougal, J.P., as he appeared in Melbourne, but that was on one of the few very special occasions when he condescended to 'dress up. At home on Boobyalla his usual attire comprised a heavy pair of water-tights, old trousers, much the worse for wear more senses than one, hanging in great folds, a dark gray jumper tucked into the trousers, and a battered felt hat, pulled, after long service, into the shape of a limp cone.

"You, Isaac, hold up one of your feet there, by the candle. No, no, man; I want to see the sole." Ike held up a foot as if he were a horse about to be shod, and growled out: "Fifteen and six, master, and warranted water-tights." "That will do, my man," said Sir Francis, frowning severely as if to hide a smile; and Ike put down his great boot and went softly back to his place.