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These five have definitely been snooped." "And two choices among them," Ashe murmured. That was the important point now. "I thought these were under maximum security," Kelgarries challenged the gray man. Florian Waldour's remote expression did not change. "Every possible precaution was in force. There was a sleeper a hidden agent planted " "Who?" Kelgarries demanded.

Education and training, yes, but full awakening of racial memories, no. The two branches of conditioning should go slowly and hand in hand, otherwise real trouble!" "Only we no longer have the time to go slow. I'm certain Ruthven will be able to push this through with Waldour's report to back him." "Then we'll have to warn Fox and the rest. They must be given a choice in the matter."

"That's one thing we don't know." Waldour's reply came slowly as if he hated the admission. "We'll be safer, then, if we presume the very earliest period." Ruthven's statement was as ruthless in its implications as the shock they had had when Waldour announced the disaster. "Eighteen months ago?" Ashe protested. But Ruthven was nodding. "Camdon was in on this from the very first.

But he was sent us by " The colonel's eyes narrowed. "He must have been sent.... There were too many cross checks to fake that!" "Oh, he was sent, all right." For the first time there was a note of emotion in Waldour's voice. "He was a sleeper, a very deep sleeper. They must have planted him a full twenty-five or thirty years ago. He's been just what he claimed to be as long as that."

"He had to go through those search points every time," Kelgarries protested. "Thought nothing could get through those." The colonel brightened. "Maybe he got his snooper films and then couldn't take them off base. Have his quarters been turned out?" Waldour's lips lifted in a grimace of exasperation. "Please, Colonel," he said wearily, "this is not a kindergarten exercise.