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After they stop the blood with a brand which by litle and litle drawes the veines the one after another from off the fingers, and when they draw all as much as they can, they cutt it with peeces of redd hott Iron; they squeeze the fingers between 2 stones, and so draw the marrow out of the boanes, and when the flesh is all taken away, they putt it in a dishfull of bourning sand.

ADAM SMITH confessed his satisfaction at this pleasure to Professor Dugald Stewart, while "he was reperusing, with the enthusiasm of a student, the tragic poets of ancient Greece, and Sophocles and Euripides lay open on his table." Dans ses veines toujours un jeune sang bouillone, Et Sophocle

Outre ces crystallisations silicieuses, il y en a, quoique rarement, de quartzeuses, qui ou forment de petites veines de crystal, ou bien des groupes de crystaux quartzeux, ou qui enfin, enduisent les mamelons de silex." Our author then makes a specification of the different varieties; after which he continues, p. 69.

«Enfin il se distingue encore par la matière dont il est construit. Il n'est point de granits en masse, comme le Mont-Blanc et les hautes cîmes qui l'entourent; ce sont des granits veinés et des roches feuilletées de différens genre qui constituent la masse entière de cet assemblages de montagnes, depuis bases jusqu'