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They become "seedy" words, stripped of their old meaning, mere chevaliers d'industrie, yet with something of the air noble about them which distinguishes them from the born "cad." But we do not propose to linger among the "upper-ten" of the dictionaries.

This bit of gossip the "New York Herald" caught up and duly itemised, for the benefit of its upper-ten readers, who, as may be easily imagined, were all on tip-toe to know the address of visitors so distinguished, and leave cards. Mrs. They jostle her, utter vile imprecations, dispute for the right of carrying her, each in his turn offering to do it a shilling less.

"It's the jolliest high-toned, upper-ten crew that ever swabbed a deck or shoveled coal. They're all ministers." "Ministers!" ejaculated Captain Horn, absolutely aghast. Then Burke told the story of the Synod. Captain Horn sank into a chair, leaned back, and laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks.

This bit of gossip the "New York Herald" caught up and duly itemised, for the benefit of its upper-ten readers, who, as may be easily imagined, were all on tip-toe to know the address of visitors so distinguished, and leave cards. Mrs. They jostle her, utter vile imprecations, dispute for the right of carrying her, each in his turn offering to do it a shilling less.

If they can be hung over with gewgaws and tinselry, if plumes shall tremble on their heads, silks shall rustle about them, and jewels shine wherever they go, to catch every eye and bewilder every passer-by, they fancy they are in the upper-ten of womanhood. Vain! The peacock, whose little heart is one beating pulse of vanity, is not half so vain as they.