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If I sum up my statement thus: "Eugenics, as discussed, evidently means the control of some men over the marriage and unmarriage of others; and probably means the control of the few over the marriage and unmarriage of the many," I shall first of all receive the sort of answers that float like skim on the surface of teacups and talk.

They may be the "lovers" of married women, who come to engage fabricated testimony and surreptitious unmarriage for the frail creatures whose virtue is still too cowardly to dare the more honest sin.

A brief and friendly discussion of ways and means followed, and then Charity turned to go, saying: "Well, I'll let you know when you're free. Are there any other little chores I can do for you?" "No, thanks. You're one damned good sport, and I'm infernally sorry I " "Let's not begin on sorries. Good night!" And such was unmarriage a la mode.

The presence or absence of rite or its nature seemed to make little difference in the prosperity of the emulsion. The presence or absence of romance seemed to make little difference, either. But it seemed to be generally agreed upon as a policy around the world that marriage should be made exceedingly easy, and unmarriage exceedingly difficult.