Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 8, 2024
It would break through the deadness of this custom, this use and wont. Many a young mind is turned for life against the influences of church-going one of the most sacred influences when pure, that is, un-mingled with non-essentials just by the feeling that he must do so and so, that he must go through a certain round of duty.
"Why man alive, it's through the whole parish inready;" he then went on, lowering his voice to a whisper, and speaking in a tone bordering on dismay. The other crossed himself, and betrayed symptoms of awe and astonishment, not un-mingled with fear. "Well," he replied, "I dunna whether I'd come here, if I'd known that; for, innocent or guilty, I would'nt wish to be near it.
There was a time when the languages which the English and the Norman severally spoke, existed each by the side of, but un-mingled with, the other; one, that of the small dominant class, the other that of the great body of the people.
Pistol for pistol had been utterly out of the range of his calculations. He looked upon the stranger with astonishment, not un-mingled with a considerable portion of that wholesome feeling which begets self-preservation. In fact, he was struck dumb, and uttered not a syllable; and as the stranger made his parting bow, the other could only stare at him as if he had seen an apparition.
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