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I rose and when Mile. N had mounted I strolled ahead of her horse in the moonlight. I was wearing a tuberose over my ear, and she remarked it. "You know what that signifies? If a man seeks a woman, he wears a white flower over his ear, and if his love grows ardent, he wears a red rose or hibiscus. But if he tires, he puts some green thing in their place. Bon dieu!

The shops were emptied, the doorways and alleys opened, and streams of people poured out into a common tide. Perfume dealers brought copper flasks of priceless oils. Flower merchants gathered up their entire stock of freshly prepared garlands of marigold and tuberose and jasmine and champak blooms banked masses of garlands were hung on scores of scores of reaching arms, lifted to carry them.

It is human hair beyond a doubt, and the shade matches to a nicety. After that " A sudden cry broke from the Dutchman. "I've got it!" he exclaimed. "You have cleverly led my mind into the right direction. The only marvel is that I did not think of it before. You will find the ring in the pot where the tuberose grows. I am quite certain you will find it amongst the moss at the base."

He groped for a long time, unable to effect the proper combinations, for orange is dominant in the fragrance of this flower. He attempted several combinations and ended in achieving the exact blend by joining tuberose and rose to orange, the whole united by a drop of vanilla. His hesitation disappeared.

There were beds of tulips and hyacinths, ranunculus, narcissus, tuberose, making a blaze of colour against the old box borders, a foot high. The crumbling old brick walls of the outbuildings, and that dungeon-like wall which formed the back of the new house, were clothed with clematis and wistaria, woodbine and magnolia.