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But I could not so readily part with one whom, even in the few hours of our intercourse, I had learned to like; and therefore, enduring as well as I was able the rugged insubordination of a soldiery free from the restraint of discipline, I followed on, and soon found myself at the door of the Trauben.

Ich weiss ein Land, wo aus sonnigem Grün Um versunkene Temple die Trauben blühn, Wo die purpurne Woge das Ufer besaümt, Und von kommenden Sängern der Lorbeer träumt; Fern lockt es und winkt dem verlangenden Sinn, Und ich kann nicht hin kann nicht hin!" As Madelon sang these last words she looked up, and her eyes met Graham's, as he stood leaning against the piano, gazing at her face.

"To the Trauben, the Trauben!" cried several voices, as we went along; and this I learned was the little inn of the village, where the non-commissioned officers in charge of the several parties were seated in council to arrange the subdivision of the booty.

The only reply was a soft but decided snore, that spoke, like a voluptuous trumpet, of dreamland and its visions. At Sinzig, the Thier laid his hand on Guy's bridle, with the words, 'Feed here, a brief, but effective, form of signal, which aroused the Goshawk completely. The sign of the Trauben received them.

The only reply was a soft but decided snore, that spoke, like a voluptuous trumpet, of dreamland and its visions. At Sinzig, the Thier laid his hand on Guy's bridle, with the words, 'Feed here, a brief, but effective, form of signal, which aroused the Goshawk completely. The sign of the Trauben received them.