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Charley wasn't out in the bally any more, either; he was backstage among the second-rate acts, the tattooed man and the fire-eater and the rest, while Erma and Ned and Ed and the top-liners took their bows out before the crowd, pulling them in, and got the gasps and the applause. The crowds in front of his own platform, inside during the show, were smaller, too.

Although not ranked with the "big three," they followed close behind, and once in a while gave the "top-liners" a hard struggle to avoid defeat. Only the year before, they had held the Blues to a 6 to 0 score, and on a muddy field had played a tie with the "Maroons" after a Homeric contest. They were not "easy meat" for any one, and the coaches of every team had learned not to hold them lightly.

He's goin' t' match me with some top-liners; he says if I can stick it I'll be a champion sure." "Yes," nodded Mr. Ravenslee, "but when?" "Oh, Bud's got it all doped out. But say " "And in the meantime your sister will go on feeding you and clothing you and " "Cheese it, Geoff," cried the boy, flushing. "You make a guy feel like a two-spot in the discard!

"I shall feel a stranger amongst the top-liners of today, my dear," he had said to her in the car on their way to the hall. She had had no answer ready for she had feared he spoke the truth. Yet everyone they had met had tried to show them that Arthur Mackwayte was not forgotten. The stage-door keeper had known him in the days of the old Aquarium and welcomed him by name.