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Then Anaitis showed him Ogygia, and Trypheme, and Sudarsana, and the Fortunate Islands, and AEaea, and Caer-Is, and Invallis, and the Hesperides, and Meropis, and Planasia, and Uttarra, and Avalon, and Tir-nam-Beo, and Theleme, and a number of other lands to enter which men have desired: and Jurgen groaned.

"I suppose you already have your eyes upon some minx or other?" "Well, my love, those girls in the Hesperides were strikingly like you, with even more wonderful hair than yours: and the girl Aille whom we saw in Tir-nam-Beo likewise resembled you remarkably, except that I thought she had the better figure. So I believe in either of those countries I could be content enough, after a while.

"Jurgen," said Anaitis, with conviction, "you are lying to me about something. I can see it in your eyes." "There is no deceiving a woman's intuition. Yes, I was not speaking quite honestly when I pretended I had as lief go into the Hesperides as to Tir-nam-Beo: it was wrong of me, and I ask your pardon. I thought that by affecting indifference I could manage you better.

And then such eyes! twin beacons that light my way to comfort for my not inconsiderable regret at losing you, my darling. Oh, yes, assuredly it is to Tir-nam-Beo I elect to go." "Whither you go, my fine fellow, is a matter in which I have the choice, not you. And you are going to Leuke." "My love, now do be reasonable! We both agreed that Leuke was not a bit suitable.