United States or Laos ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Never in the world would I take you to be a hard, money-making, lucre-loving man! Why, my dear Friday, you are a perfect jewel of a savage! I didn't know it was you, and doubt if you knew it yourself! Isn't it glorious? I feel a thousand years younger! Don't you hear me singing, "Oh, poor Robinson Crusoe! Tinky ting tang, tinky ting tang, Oh, poor Robinson Crusoe!"

"Ask her up," chirped "Tinky" Clifford. But at this moment the door opened against the Chinaman, and a small figure in a cloak and hat, dripping with raindrops, glided swiftly in. After a moment's half-frightened, half-admiring glance at the party, she darted forward with a little cry and threw her wet arms round the colonel.

"Shut up, Tinky!" cried several voices. "Talk sense, can't you?" The president smiled, and readjusted his nippers. "I was about to remark," he continued in his natural tone, and with his accustomed fluency of speech, "I was about to remark that I thank you very much for having drunk my health. You were good enough to couple my name with that of our society.

"Yes," added Dorris, "and so you want to get off Saturday 'prep. Fire away, Tinky, I'm with you." That very afternoon Tinkleby addressed a large, square envelope to S. R. HENINGSON, Esq., Hon. Sec. Melchester School Debating Society.

For Colonel Starbottle, Jack Hamlin, Judge Beeswinger, and Jo Wynyard, assisted by Mesdames Montague, Montmorency, Bellefield, and "Tinky" Clifford, of the "Western Star Combination Troupe," then performing "on tour," were holding "high jinks" in the supper room. The colonel had been of late moody, irritable, and easily upset.

My head is playing all the tunes in the world, ringing such peals! It has just finished the "Merry Christ Church Bells," and absolutely is beginning "Turn again, Whittington." Buz, buz, buz; bum, bum, bum; wheeze, wheeze, wheeze; fen, fen, fen; tinky, tinky, tinky; cr'annch. I shall certainly come to be condemned at last. I have been drinking too much for two days running.