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More than three years had intervened almost without mutation in that stationary household, since I had sat there first, a young American freshman, bewildered among unfamiliar dainties, Finnan haddock, kippered salmon, baps and mutton ham, and had wearied my mind in vain to guess what should be under the tea-cosey. If there were any change at all, it seemed that I had risen in the family esteem.

Never mind, they will be equally useful to me. I'll have them. Now for the tea-cosey. It is under-priced. I consider that, with the chenille swallow, it is worth thirty shillings. I will give thirty for it." "Thirty-two and six," said Rachel. "The landed interest is not going to be browbeaten by coal-mines. Thirty-three and twopence." "Forty shillings," said Rachel.

"This is sheer recklessness," said Lord Newhaven, as Rachel bought an expensive tea-cosey from Fräulein. "In these days of death-duties you cannot possess four teapots, and you have already bought three teapot costumes." "That is what I am here for," said Rachel, producing a check-book. "How much did you say, Fräulein?" "Twenty-seven and seex," said Fräulein.

"Forty-two," said Lord Newhaven. Every one in the tent had turned to watch the bidding. "Forty-two and six," said Rachel. Fräulein blushed. She had worked the tea-cosey. It was to her a sonata in red plush. "Three guineas," said Captain Pratt, by an infallible instinct, perceiving, and placing himself within the focus of general interest. The bidding ceased instantly.

Lord Newhaven shrugged his shoulders and turned away. Fräulein, still shaking with conflicting emotions, handed the tea-cosey to Captain Pratt. He took it with an acid smile, secretly disgusted at the sudden cessation of interest, for which he had paid rather highly, and looked round for Lady Newhaven. But she had disappeared.