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The choirs of the three town churches, and many of the choral society people, filled the gallery some eighty voices perhaps. The Veni Creator the only part that was not good, well sung, but too much like an anthem. 'Tagalana, half-sitting, half-kneeling behind me, held the book for the Primate to read from at the Imposition of Hands a striking group, I am told.

What is the reason of it, do you think? "Why they know about you, and see you now and then, and Henry Tagalana talked to them, and I talked a little to them, and they asked me about our ways here, and they want to learn." "Well, there are now five of you from your island, and you must try hard to learn, that you may teach them, for remember you must do it, if God spares your life."

I too may see Tagalana one day with Him who is the Father of us all." 'One soul won to Christ, as I hope and believe, by His love and power, and if in any degree by my ministry, to God be the praise! The comfort sent home to the sisters with the letter respecting this voyage is: 'Mota: June 14, 1861. 'Now, dear Joan, don't any of you think too much about the murder of Mr. and Mrs.

I feel the enjoyment of the glorious view and climate, and my dear lads, Tagalana and Parenga, from Bauro, are with me, the rest in Port Patteson, &c., coming over in the vessel to-morrow, which I shall then discharge. I see that the people are very friendly; they all speak of your bread-fruit tree, your property. The house had not been entered, a keg of nails inside it not touched.