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Horatio was invariably arrayed like a lily of the field if by that term is meant a tiger lily. Raish generally finished his appraisal by adding, patronizingly: "He's all right, though, old Galushy is. Nothin' harmful about him. See how easy I get along with him. I shake hands with him and hit him a clip on the back, and, gosh t'mighty, he thinks I'm his best friend on earth.

Next minute a little bald-headed smart Alec, with clothes that had a tailor's sign hull down and out of the race, steps to the front and commences to make a speech. "'Gosh t'mighty, gents, says he. 'With your kind permission, I'll sing "When Reuben Comes to Town." "And he did sing it, too, in a voice that needed cultivatin' worse'n a sandy front yard.

He's poorer'n poverty and it's cheap livin' down at Martha Phipps's. How do I know he's poor? Cripes t'mighty, look at his clothes! Don't look much like yours or mine, do they?" They certainly did not look much like Mr. Pulcifer's. Galusha's trunk had arrived at last, but the garments in it were as drab and old-fashioned and "floppy" as those he wore on his arrival.

"I couldn't see his face plain, but his voice had a funny tremble to it; reminded me of my own when I climbed out of that very cart after he'd jounced me down to Setuckit the day before. "'What? he says. 'Wh-what? What sheet? I don't see any sheet. What do you want me to do? "'Tie this line to that cleat. That cleat there! CLEAT, you lubber! CLEAT! That knob! MAKE IT FAST! Oh, my gosh t'mighty!

As for Isaiah Chase, his list was so lengthy and varied that the responsibility quite overwhelmed him. "Gosh t'mighty!" exclaimed Isaiah, desperately. "I'll never be able to live up to all them sailin' orders and I know it. I've put some of 'em down on a piece of paper, but I ain't even got them straight, and as for the million or two others whew!