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When riding, his trousers would work up about his calves, showing a wide expanse of white socks. For comfort he wore an alpaca coat, which hung loosely about him, and, for the dignity of his profession, the only boiled shirt in the county, with a frayed collar and white string-tie. The Reverend Mr. Price was liked by the settlers.

Meech's," he reported on his fourth trip up-stairs; "it's a white linen string-tie, but he doesn't want to take it off." "Faith, and he'll have to!" said Sandy, in great agitation. "Don't he know that nobody will be looking at him?" Annette appeared at a bedroom door, a whirl of roses and pink. "What's the m-matter?

A waistcoat of no describable material or pattern, and a clean white shirt and collar of one piece, with a black string-tie and double bow, which would have been entirely concealed beneath the long white beard but for its having worked around to one side of the neck.

The girls were eloquent in praise of them. "Why didn't you try a four-in-hand on this one, Billy?" Sue asked, pointing to a carefully arranged effect of the "string-tie" variety. "Or a what you call it an Ascot! An Ascot would be stunning on those orchids." A laugh went round the room in which Billy joined good naturedly.