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The men who marched were sublime; they were the incarnation of embattled France; the starving people of Metz, of Strassbourg, of Paris, were sublime. But there was nothing sublime about Monsieur Adolphe Thiers, nothing heroic about Hugo, nothing respectable about Gambetta.

It might be Berrlin, hey?" he added with less buoyancy, seeing Tom's dry smile. "It might be New York or Philadelphia," said Tom, "only it ain't. I guess it must be Strassbourg. I heard that was the biggest place in Alsace." They looked at it through their field glass and decided that it was about twenty miles distant.

The same as usual. They are shelling Strassbourg with mortars; the city is on fire. Six hundred women and children left the city; the International Aid Society demanded it." Presently he added: "A big battle was fought this morning along the Meuse. You can hear the guns yet." "I have heard them for an hour," replied Jack. They listened.

"Well, you see, sir," began Markley, but Geisler interrupted him furiously. "Ach Himmel! Vot are you, a man or a Strassbourg pie? Donnervetter! Go! Raus! gedt oudt! Vamoose!" "Sir," began Markley, turning to Mr. Merrill from this furious storm of abuse. But his employer had taken out his check-book and fountain pen, and seemed intent upon making out the pink slips.

The train stopped, and he stood on the grey gravel platform like a man in a dream. It seemed half a century since he last waited there with corded wooden boxes, and got into the train for Strassbourg and home after the two years' exile. Time dropped from him like an old garment and he felt a boy again.