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I exclaimed, the "rascal must have lived quite near to Stillbury's house!" Thorndyke measured with the dividers the distance between the starting and arriving points of the route and took it off from the scale. "Five-eighths of a mile, roughly," he said. "You could have walked it in less than ten minutes.

He rapidly constructed on the upper blank part of the paper, a proportional diagram consisting of two intersecting lines with a single cross-line. "This long line," he explained, "is the distance from Stillbury's house to the Vauxhall railway bridge as it appears on the chart; the shorter cross-line is the same distance taken from the ordnance map.

And then I opened the subject of my mysterious experiences at the house of Mr. Weiss. "There's another affair that I want to tell you about; rather an unpleasant business." "Oh, dear!" exclaimed Stillbury. He put down his cup and regarded me with quite painful anxiety. "It looks to me like an undoubted case of criminal poisoning," I continued. Stillbury's face cleared instantly.

"Then I think the police would decline to move in the matter, and you might find that you had raised a scandal in Dr. Stillbury's practice to no purpose." "So you think I had better do nothing in the matter?" "For the present. It is, of course, a medical man's duty to assist justice in any way that is possible.

Stillbury's practice continued longer than I had bargained for. Day after day went by and still found me tramping the dingy streets of Kennington or scrambling up and down narrow stairways; turning in at night dead tired, or turning out half awake to the hideous jangle of the night bell. It was very provoking.

I looked up Stillbury's little reference library for information on the subject of sleeping sickness, but learned no more than that it was "a rare and obscure disease of which very little was known at present." I read up morphine poisoning and was only further confirmed in the belief that my diagnosis was correct; which would have been more satisfactory if the circumstances had been different.