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Updated: September 25, 2024
Impossibile est igitur quod corpus humanum transeat in substantiam spiritualem.... Similiter etiam impossibile est quod corpus hominis resurgentis sit quasi aëreum et ventis simile. S. Thom., Cont. gent., lib. 4, c. 84. In the first place, rising a spiritual body implies that the glorified body will no longer need food, drink, and sleep, to sustain life and strength, as it now does.
Sunt enim pompae istae omnes, et ceremoniae Papistisae, nihil aliud quam fuci meretricii, ad hoc excogitati, ut homines ad spiritualem scortationem alliciantur.
Ille ergo qui fide sanctae Trinitatis carent, et Christum qui est vera lux ignorant, in tenebris ambulant. Iudaei vero et omnes baptizati recte sentiunt Paradisum coelestem et spiritualem, vbi quilibet secundum meritum Diuinitati vnietur, per cognitionem, et amorem.
In rebus tamen difficilibus, dubiis, spiritualibus, praestat mediocriter spiritualem theologum consulere quam spiritualem idiotam." See Way of Perfection, ch. viii. section 2; but ch. v. Dalton's edition. See ch. xxiii. section 6. section 9. Ch. iv. section 6. Job ii. 10: "Si bona suscepimus de manu Dei, mala quare non suscipiamus?"
For the same action of his will, which made the world forever, did also withhold the effect to the time ordained. To this answer, in itself sufficient, others add further, that the pattern or image of the world may be said to be eternal: which the Platonics call "spiritualem mundum" and do in this sort distinguish the idea and creation in time.
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