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"You speak as if it were done for the convenience of the consumer not the pride of the producer," I suggested. "It's both," said Somel. "We have pride enough in our work." "Then why not in your children?" urged Jeff. "But we have! We're magnificently proud of them," she insisted. "Then why not sign 'em?" said Terry triumphantly. Moadine turned to him with her slightly quizzical smile.

From her, and from Somel, who talked very freely with me, I learned at last something of the viewpoint of Herland toward its visitors. Here they were, isolated, happy, contented, when the booming buzz of our biplane tore the air above them. Everybody heard it saw it for miles and miles, word flashed all over the country, and a council was held in every town and village.

"We know nothing but such science as we have worked out for ourselves, just the brain work of one small half-country; and you, we gather, have helped one another all over the globe, sharing your discoveries, pooling your progress. How wonderful, how supremely beautiful your civilization must be!" Somel gave a further suggestion. "You do not have to begin all over again, as you did with us.

We had gradually come to feel that we were in the hands of friends, and very capable ones at that but we couldn't form any opinion yet of the general level of these women. "We want you to teach us all you can," Somel went on, her firm shapely hands clasped on the table before her, her clear quiet eyes meeting ours frankly. "And we want to teach you what we have that is novel and useful.