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The Cave, I mean? Jinny stuck to the point. She had not yet travelled beyond it. 'It all collects in there and rises to the top like cream, he went on, 'and has a little tiny perfume like wild violets, and by walking through it you get clothed and covered with it, and come out again all soft-shiny 'What's soft-shiny, please? 'Something half-primrose and half-moon. You're like a star

Monkey picked up his pencils and dipped their points into her store of starlight, while Jinny drew the cork out of his ink- pot and blew in soft-shiny radiance of her own. They soaked his books in it, and smoothed his paper out with their fingers of clean gold.

'I'm a bit knotted, looped, and all up-jumbled too, inside. But the sun is miles away still. We're both soft-shiny still. They stooped to enter, plunging their bodies to the neck in the silent flood of sparkling amber. Then happened a strange thing.

There was a curious animation in their eyes though this may have been borrowed from the embers of the peat. Or, it may have been the stars, for they were close to the open window. Both seemed soft-shiny somehow. They, certainly, were not wumbled.

Her atmosphere was everywhere 'soft-shiny' when they left her to shoot next into the attic chamber above, where Miss Waghorn lay among her fragments of broken memory, and the litter of disordered images that passed with her for 'thinking. And here, again, although their task was easier, they needed help to show the right way to begin.