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That is the end of its first quarter, and Shiras gives it up. In fact we all do. No use trying to support an abolition paper here." While he spoke a thought struck me like a lightning flash, and he had but finished speaking, when I replied: "I have a great notion to start a paper myself." He was surprised, but caught at the idea, and said: "I wish you would.

"You say well, Abourazier," returned Nourgehan; "but the difficulty is to find such a man." "You have, my lord," replied the courtier, "one of your subjects whose moderation and wisdom made him renounce all public employments under the reign of your illustrious father: your Majesty, perhaps, is ignorant of what happened to him in the city of Shiras."

Six weeks later the second decision was read declaring the Income Tax unconstitutional by a vote of five to four, Justice Shiras, who had voted on the first hearing to uphold the Income Tax, now voting against it.

Casbin, Curdistan , Laristan, Susistan or Chorassan, Spahan, Ispahan or Fars, Shiras , Soncara , and lastly Timochaim, which is near Arboreseco, towards the north . Persia breeds excellent horses, which are sold to the Indies; also very good asses, which are sold for a higher price than the horses, because they eat little, carry much, and travel far.