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The captains of these craft foregather in the ship-chandler's shops, where the floor is strewn with sawdust, the armchairs are capacious, and the environment harmonizes with the tales that are told. It is an informal club of coastwise skippers and the old energy begins to show itself once more.

He had bought out a small ship-chandler's business, a rickety, out-at-the-heels place on an equally rickety old wharf on the East River; and it was generally understood that he was a "fence" of a sort, making a speciality of, and catering to, a certain extensive and vicious class of thieves, the wharf rats, who infested the city's shipping his ostensible business of a ship-chandler enabling him to handle and dispose of that class of stolen property with comparative immunity.

"Yes, I think I can guess," admitted Cartoner, with his slow smile. "But you won't tell me?" "No. When do you expect them?" "I'll answer that and ask you another," said Captain Cable, getting a yellow decanter from a locker beneath the table. "That's port ship-chandler's port. I won't say it's got a bokay, mind." For Captain Cable's hospitality was not showy or self-sufficient.

I caught it last week passing a ship-chandler's shop, and it set my veins throbbing again with the sense of conflict, and I caught myself tensing my muscles for a death grapple. To me the Kut Sang is a personality, a sentient being, with her own soul and moods and temper, audaciously tossing her bows at the threatening seas rising to meet her.

It seemed a necessity, and it was directed apparently as much at himself as at anybody else. He was spotlessly neat, apparelled in immaculate white from shoes to hat, and in the various Eastern ports where he got his living as ship-chandler's water-clerk he was very popular.