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The authority of an Arabian scherif is very great; that of a Tartar khan altogether despotical. The fourth of those causes or circumstances, is the superiority of birth. Superiority of birth supposes an ancient superiority of fortune in the family of the person who claims it.

Such were the mahmals, containing, among other things of splendor and fabulous value, the Kiswah which the Sultan was forwarding to the Scherif of Mecca to take the place of the worn curtains then draping the Tabernacle or House of God. The plumed heads of the camels, and the yet more richly plumed pavilions, exalted high above the horsemen, moved like things afloat.

Harems and palaces, according to Cagliostro's own apocryphal story, were thrown open to them everywhere, and while the Scherif of Mecuca took Balsao under his high protection, one of the Grand Muftis actually gave him splendid apartments in his own abode.

"Who are you?" "Sailors." "Where from?" "Tripoli." "Children of the Prophet?" "Blessed be Allah! May his name be exalted here and everywhere!" the fisherman returned; adding immediately: "Whom serve you?" "A Scherif from Italy." "How is he called?" "The Count." "Where is he?" "In the Palace yonder." "A Christian?"

He left his tents pitched close to those of the Emir El Hajj and the Scherif of Mecca, under the Mountain of Mercy, as Arafat was practically translated by the very faithful. Having thus assured the safety of his property, for conveniency and greater personal comfort he took a house with windows looking into the Mosque. By so doing, he maintained the dignity of his character as a Prince of India.