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Why did I let you have all the fat in "Fun in a Tea-Shop"? Why did I hang about upstage while you sang "Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay"? Do you remember my giving you a bag of buns when we were on the road at Bristol? 'Yes, but 'Do you remember my giving you the ham sandwiches at Portsmouth? 'Joe! 'Do you remember my giving you a seed-cake at Birmingham?

Yet, twenty-five years ago, so I've been told by old boys who were lads about town in those days, she was knocking them cold at the Tivoli in a double act called 'Fun in a Tea-Shop', in which she wore tights and sang a song with a chorus that began, 'Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay'.

There are some things a chappie's mind absolutely refuses to picture, and Aunt Julia singing 'Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay' is one of them. She got straight to the point within five minutes of our meeting. 'What is this about Gussie? Why did you cable for me, Bertie? 'It's rather a long story, I said, 'and complicated. If you don't mind, I'll let you have it in a series of motion pictures.

I'm not saying a word against the late I can't remember his name; never could but you shouldn't have done it, an artist like you. Shall I ever forget the way you used to knock them with "Rumpty-tiddley-umpty-ay"? 'Ah! how wonderful you were in that act, Joe. Aunt Julia sighed. 'Do you remember the back-fall you used to do down the steps?