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He muttered, 'Don't disturb me! gave a kick, and fell asleep, like a baby. Sanin once more scanned his clumsy figure, his head, his neck, his upturned chin, round as an apple, and going out of the hotel, set off with rapid strides to the Rosellis' shop. He had to let Gemma know. He found her in the shop with her mother.

When Sanin, an hour and a half later, returned to the Rosellis' shop he was received there like one of the family. Emilio was sitting on the same sofa, on which he had been rubbed; the doctor had prescribed him medicine and recommended 'great discretion in avoiding strong emotions' as being a subject of nervous temperament with a tendency to weakness of the heart.

He turned back and had hardly got on a level with the house, where was the Rosellis' shop, when one of the windows looking out on the street, suddenly creaked and opened; in its square of blackness there was no light in the room appeared a woman's figure, and he heard his name 'Monsieur Dimitri! He rushed at once up to the window ... Gemma!

Bravo giovanotto! You will be victor! A few minutes later they both set off to the Rosellis' shop. Sanin, as a preliminary measure, had exacted a promise from Pantaleone to keep the affair of the duel a most profound secret. In reply, the old man had merely held up his finger, and half closing his eyes, whispered twice over, Segredezza!

'What did he say, the wretched creature? asked Sanin, and would have rushed after Klueber; but Gemma held him back and walked on with him, not taking away the arm she had slipped into his. The Rosellis' shop came into sight. Gemma stopped once more.