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Carver says, "It is with difficulty that canoes can pass through the obstructions they meet with from the rice-stalks. This river is the greatest resort for wild fowl that I met with in the whole course of my travels; frequently the sun would be obscured by them for some minutes together."

The wigwam of old Wabishke, the Indian trapper, was pitched in a dense thicket on the shore of the little muskrat lake. In the early gray of the morning the old Indian was startled by the sound of a shot. He peered cautiously through the branches and saw a man pitch forward among the rice-stalks.

I can't sleep," said his mother when he lay down again. "Well," he said in a low voice, "I dreamed that we had gone to glean the rice-stalks in a field where there were many flowers the women had baskets full of rice-stalks the men too had baskets full of rice-stalks and the children too I don't remember any more, mother, I don't remember the rest."

In Central Celebes when there has been no rain for a long time and the rice-stalks begin to shrivel up, many of the villagers, especially the young folk, go to a neighbouring brook and splash each other with water, shouting noisily, or squirt water on one another through bamboo tubes.

This Lord Long-legs was a daimio who ruled over four acres of rice-field in Echizen, whose revenue was ten thousand rice-stalks. His retainers, who were all grasshoppers, numbered over six thousand, while his court consisted only of nobles, such as Mantis, Beetle, and Pinching-bug.

In some instances betel-nut prepared for chewing takes the place of the fowl; rice-stalks hang from the sides of the basket, and bits of pine are added "to make bright and clear." All of this is rubbed on the patient's head, while the medium recites the diam. Bawi, also called Sinaba-an and Ababong. When such a structure is built or repaired, it is accompanied by a ceremony of the same name.