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Coutts has got the cadet-ship for Pringle Shortreed, in which he was peculiarly interested. I went to the Court for the first time to-day, and, like the man with the large nose, thought everybody was thinking of me and my mishaps. Many were, undoubtedly, and all rather regrettingly; some obviously affected.

'Yet you understand me. You know me well. How is that? The murmur of honest confession came from me: 'I have seen it! She laughed. 'I bring you to be German, you see. Could you forsake your England? 'Instantly, though not willingly. 'Not regrettingly? 'Cheerfully, if I had my work and my my friend. 'No; but well I know a man's field of labour is his country. You have your ambition.

'Yet you understand me. You know me well. How is that? The murmur of honest confession came from me: 'I have seen it! She laughed. 'I bring you to be German, you see. Could you forsake your England? 'Instantly, though not willingly. 'Not regrettingly? 'Cheerfully, if I had my work and my my friend. 'No; but well I know a man's field of labour is his country. You have your ambition.

She concludes, and buries her face in her cambric. Then an outpouring of consoling words follow. "He cometh like a thief in the night: His works are full of mystery; truly, He chasteneth; He giveth and taketh away." Such are a few of the sentiments lisped, regrettingly, for the departed.

Clare came to the field of battle, where she found her sister half dead. She entreated the relations to retire and to leave her in her care, which they regrettingly did. Agnes then rose with great ease, glad to have had a share in the cross of Jesus Christ.

Sister Slocum's emotions forbid her saying more. She concludes, and buries her face in her cambric. Then an outpouring of consoling words follow. "He cometh like a thief in the night: His works are full of mystery; truly, He chasteneth; He giveth and taketh away." Such are a few of the sentiments lisped, regrettingly, for the departed.