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It is the uncertainty, the darkness, and the effect of these upon men and officers that make the duty a delicate one. The risk is more from panic than from the foe, and the loss is more likely to be in baggage and in wagons than in men. I have several times been in command of rear-guards on such occasions, and I believe that I would generally prefer an open withdrawal by day.

And then, while critics fall foul of the preface and scholars of the notes, it may happen that the work itself will escape them, passing uninjured between their cross-fires, as an army extricates itself from a dangerous position between two skirmishes of outposts and rear-guards. These reasons, weighty as they may seem, are not those which influenced the author.

The enemy rear-guards were defeated, and, by the evening of the 30th, the city was partially surrounded. Early on the morning of the 1st October, a British force and a portion of the Arab army of King Hussein occupied the city of Damascus.

Our order of march was as follows: first of all went the Levies; then, with an interval of some five hundred yards, came the advance guard of a half company of Pioneers; the main body consisted of Kashmir Sappers, guns, one company of Pioneers, ammunition, hospital baggage, and rearguard of half company Pioneers. Both advance and rear-guards were commanded by British officers.

We, who had lost but seventy-two men killed and wounded in the charge, were short another hundred when the day broke and nothing to the good by it. Getting lost in the dark falling into shell-holes swooping down on rear-guards that generally proved to have machine guns with them weary men on hungrier, wearier horses the wonder is that a man rode back to tell of it at dawn.

Captain, what has disappeared is the distribution list of our artillery mechanics! That is much more serious!... However, for some time past we have had under consideration a rearrangement scheme. We are going to take advantage of the disappearance of the document in question, Document Number 6 keep that number in mind we are going to draw up a new plan for the mobilisation of the rear-guards.

At Salo, close by the lake, and, further from it, at Lonato, two divisions of the Austrian column were attacked and overwhelmed. Augereau and Massena, leaving merely rear-guards at Borghetto and Peschiera, now marched also upon Brescia.

Ascertaining certainly that the means requisite for the ease and safety of marches are prepared. Regulating the manner and time of halts. Giving proper composition to advanced guards, rear-guards, flankers, and all detached bodies, and preparing good instructions for their guidance. Providing all the means necessary for the performance of their duties.

For over an hour now I had been expecting, minute by minute, to see the enemy Infantry come swarming along the Nad Logem in the dusk, cutting off our retreat, for I knew we had nothing but rear-guards left up there. But they did not come! Only the Major and I and about forty men were left now, and we had been told that there would be no more transport.

The two regiments under Steuart, 600 or 700 strong, were the force on which Jackson had depended, and Steuart had shown himself incapable of command. But the Federals had now established strong rear-guards.