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If, from accident, the eschar is separated before the sore be healed I would reapply the caustic. At length the eschar becomes adherent, and in due time begins to peel off, leaving the surface healed.

The glass next to the flame expands so rapidly that the other parts cannot keep pace, and so, as the result of unequal expansion, the chimney goes to pieces. With this principle in mind, we seek to withdraw the frost and to reapply the vivifying heat very gradually and equally to every part, so that the vegetable tissues may be preserved unbroken.

Here the engineer, like Van Arnburgh in the lion's den, first planted his conqueror's foot upon the mane of the wilderness; and 'in this spot modern science first claimed the right to reapply that grand word of a French monarch, "Il n'y a plus de Pyrenées!" We are on the crest of the Alleghanies.

Take B D current, with small pointed electrodes. If the eye be turned inward, insert P. P. in the outer angle of the eye, so as to bear upon the rectus externus, and N. P. in the inner angle, so as to bear on the rectus internus. Let the current be of what force the patient can bear. Withdraw the electrodes frequently, to rest the eye, and then reapply them.

Put a jug of hot water to the feet. In about ten minutes redip the sheets quickly and reapply. In fifteen or twenty minutes the perspiration will appear and the cramps will vanish. Take nothing into the stomach during the duration of the disease except moderate sips of cold water or pieces of ice, to quench the burning thirst. All water should be boiled before using.