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Khadijah was the first convert, as might have been expected from the close interdependence of their minds. She had become initiated into his prophetship almost equally with her husband, and it was her courage and firm trust in his inspiration that had sustained him during the terrible period of negation.

Those of his class consider that there is a peculiar merit in the repetition of the names and attributes of God. To deny Mahomet's prophetship would excite a violent antagonism, and I content myself with making them acknowledge that God is greater than all Prophets or Apostles, and that there is but one God for all the human race.

The vision, however, looms so large in his followers' minds, and exercised so profound an influence over their regard for Mahomet, that it throws some light, upon the measure of his ascendancy during his last years at Mecca, and establishes beyond dispute the inspired character of his Prophetship in the imaginations of the few Believers.

And as regards Zaradasht it is said that the majority of Moslems believed in his prophetship.... Each of the herbeds had a volume which was individual and separate. In it was associated none of the other herbeds and no outsider had any concern with it.

But these latter relied upon the chief of the ecclesiastics, Mobed Mobedan, the sage of sages, and the wisest of men according to whose instructions the kings conducted themselves and without whose judgment they undertook nothing; to him they showed reverence such as is shown to the Khalif of the time. As regards the Magians they believed in the prophetship of Zaradasht....