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Twa circulars an' the Caledonian maks up the hale hypothic." Posty buckled and adjusted his bag, and made as though he was going, but he loitered to give opportunity fur any questions the Doctor might wish to ask on foreign affairs. For Posty was not merely the carrier of letters to the Glen, but a scout who was sent down to collect information regarding the affairs of the outer world.

She swept us into one brief flush of gratitude, from Domsie to Posty. "Neeburs, ye were a' his freends, and he wanted ye tae ken hoo yir trust wes mickle help tae him in his battle." There was a stir within us, and it came to birth in Drumsheugh of all men: "Marget Hoo, this is no the day for mony words, but there's juist ae heart in Drumtochty, and it's sair."

"No, Miss Penelope, but there is one for your nurse." "It is from Easterhaze," said the child. "Thank you thank you, posty." She snatched the first letter away from the old man and darted away with it. Into the nursery she rushed. "Here it is, nursey. Open it, quick! I am to go; I know I am." Nurse did open the letter.

Above the wood it is seen again, with a meal mill on the Tochty left nestling in among the trees, and one would call it the veriest burn, but it was there that Posty lost his life to save a little child. And then it dwindles into the thinnest thread of silver, and at last is seen no more from the beeches. From the Tochty the eye makes its raids on north and south.

The Doctor met Posty in the avenue, the finest bit on our main road, where the road has wide margins of grass on either side, and the two rows of tall ancient trees arch their branches overhead. Some day in the past it had been part of the approach to the house of Tochty, and under this long green arch the Jacobite cavaliers rode away after black John Carnegie's burial.